Islamophobic Tactic # 7: Co-Optation of the NeoCon Muslim Traitor

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Islamophobic Tactic # 7:

Co-Optation of the NeoCon Muslim Traitor

Muhammad ‘Abd Al-Haqq

If you have heard of the likes of Tarek Fatah, Tawfiq Hamid, and Asra Nomani, you are well aware of who the term “Neocon Muslim Traitors” refers too. Here we have the turncoat par excellence, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, speaking to his favorite news station Faux(Fox) News in his ongoing efforts to prop up and justify the Islamophobic fear-mongering narrative.

With the TSA  stepping up security measures and screenings after “evidence” ,that we are not privy to, shows that terrorists are using surgically implanted bombs to attack America, the country is on a subdued alert with the manufacture and advent of this new scare .

Here we have the classic tactic, similar to the co-optation of the fake ex-Muslim turned vitriolic anti-Muslim crusader/activist, using Muslims as experts to validate the Islamophobic narrative. Please listen to this video carefully as Jasser identifies extremists individuals and groups and seems to be unaware that what he believes is “radical Islam” the Islamophobes whom he shares a platform of hate with view this as a description of “normative Islam”. This is the intent of the sensationalistic, fear-mongering narrative designed to make American citizens abdicate, out of fear, their civil rights in the interest of “national security”. Jasser also fails to realize that he is enabling non-Muslim Islamophobes to cast suspicion on all Muslims in the eyes of the American public and even well-meaning non-Muslims who are on the fence may also find justification for any latent uneasiness they may feel towards Muslims.

Jasser here is “speaking out” on these undetectable, surgically implanted bombs and the doctors who are implanting them, many of whom were supposedly trained in the United States. Accoridng to him , “Remember, they are trained and grow up in an ideology of Islamic supremacism long before they get their vocation of medicine, before they become so-called healers.”

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser is thePresident of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy who has served many a times as the Muslim spokesman for the Right-Wing, Neocon, and Republican Anti-Muslim Movement whether he realizes it or accepts it or not.

Robert Spencer, the proverbial Islamophobe, except he makes an effort to put a scholarly veneer over his hatred, has already weighed in on  this issue more than four years ago. This is merely the updated version of the fear-mongering claim of “doctors of death”. It is the counter to the idea that one of terrorism’s major causes is the desperation that comes with poverty, marginalization, and disenfranchisement. Terrorism is being presented as a normative, Islamic practice, buttressed by intelligent men, doctors no less, who plan sophisticated attacks to be carried out against Western targets.

This entry was posted in Asra Nomani, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Islamophobes, Islamophobia as a Social Phenomenon, Islamophobia in the U.S., Islamophobia in the West, Islamophobic Events, Islamophobic Politics, Robert Spencer, Tarek Fatah, Tawfiq Hamid, The Islamophobesphere and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

16 Responses to Islamophobic Tactic # 7: Co-Optation of the NeoCon Muslim Traitor

  1. Asra Nomani says:

    It seems as if you are responding to the perceived demonization of Islam by demonizing people yourself. I think that is very unfortunate. By trying to smear names, such as mine, it seems you are not willing to discuss the serious issues that we raise. Just by calling people names, you can’t dismiss their legitimate issues. I would gently suggest that you would serve your cause by actually addressing substantive issues, rather than just trying to label people. Best, Asra

  2. Salam Alaikum,

    Sister, there is no demonization against you on my part. Firstly you and I are both Muslim, why did not your message begin with “Salam alaikum“? Secondly, when you write “perceived demonization” it implies that the demonization is not something real when it is. Thirdly, you are trying to emotionally divert this conversation in order to garner sympathy for your view, it seems. I and hopefully no one else is fooled by this tactic. Perhaps you should read this to see what I am on about. Fourthly, you really should not assume that I am unwilling to discuss the issues you raise. Fifth, You are being deceptive when you suggest that all the issues you raise are legitimate. Prove me wrong and list these “legitimate” issues. And believe me, I deal with substantive issues; you would know that if you read all my blogs rather than just honed in on the one where your name was mentioned(in passing no less!)

    Lastly, please have a hard look at your self, your nafs and your iman and ponder deeply on why the majority of the Muslim community rejects your views and position, yet the Islamophobesphere loves you as one of their own. The people who hate Islam, love you, a Muslim. Answer for yourself this question, “Does Islam need reform or do Muslims need reform?” The answer to this question makes all the difference between a traitor and a legitimate reformer. After you have done these things and reflected maybe then you will see why I and many other Muslims regard you and many others on that list as “traitorous”.

    As a final note why not address the issues raised in the article? Do you not think it a “legitimate issue” or are you more concerned with your name being “smeared”?

    May Allah Guide us both. Barak Allahu Feek

  3. Asra Nomani says:

    Really, all the scolding–Why don’t you address me with salam?–and the thinly veiled notion that I’m a “traitor” and you think you’re having a substantive conversation? Putting “majority” in bold face doesn’t make it true, and the majority doesn’t define rationality or progress. Think Mecca in the 7th century as the prophet preached his message. Think slavery in the South. If you think you can win your argument, why do you make everything personal, calling people traitors? That seems like a very weak rhetorical device. Good luck to you as you traverse this world. I don’t doubt your intentions are good, but really why not get out of the gutter and deal with issues rather than resort to name calling. I do hope that we are all guided well in the conversations we have with our nafs.

    • Salam Alaikum,

      I see you have missed the point entirely. You think that this is mere scolding? A Muslim greets another Muslim with salam alaikum or not? There is nothing thinly veiled about the notion of you being a traitor…you are in plain bold English.

      The substance that you are trying to divert people from realizing by insinuating that the article is all about “name-calling” is that necon Muslims are being co-opted into the Islamophobic Movement as Islamic “experts”. Your emotionalism as diversionary tactic is not working. If I call someone as Muslim, it is not “name-calling”, it is merely stating facts.Similarly, if I call someone as traitor it is not from my hawaa it is simply truth.

      “Putting “majority” in bold face doesn’t make it true, and the majority doesn’t define rationality or progress.”

      You don’t see the contradiction here? Which is it, the majority of Muslims disagree with you or it does not matter, in terms of rationality or progress, if the majority of us do? What is more important to you, wahy or aql?

      “Think Mecca in the 7th century as the prophet preached his message. Think slavery in the South. If you think you can win your argument, why do you make everything personal, calling people traitors? That seems like a very weak rhetorical device.”

      That’s off topic and you know it, and only tangentially relevant. No (saws) after the Prophet?

      I have not made everything personal. You simply have taken things personally. You should read up on the manhaj of the salaf. When someone makes a mistake in public, they are to be corrected publicly. Your subjective opinion is irrelevant with regards to efficacy of rhetorical device. This isn’t about rhetoric it’s about Truth. Stop whining about what has affected you personally and emotionally(seems I have hit a nerve) and deal with the issue of Muslim Neocons being co-opted by the anti-Muslim Movement, to be used as “experts” on Islam.

      You really think that someone who has aligned themselves with Islamophobes, against Muslims and Islam is not one deserving of the label traitor?

      “Good luck to you as you traverse this world.”

      Muslims don’t believe in luck, but Qadar. Not nit-picking, this is serious ‘aqeeda issue.

      “I don’t doubt your intentions are good, but really why not get out of the gutter and deal with issues rather than resort to name calling. I do hope that we are all guided well in the conversations we have with our nafs.”

      Again, if you read all my blogs you will see that I deal with substantive issues, little by little. Just because I may not have yet dealt with an issue you feel is relevant(I doubt it), it is no real indictment against me. It’s simply more subjective conjecture on your part.

      PS: As a final note why not address the issues raised in the article? Do you not think it a “legitimate issue” or are you more concerned with your name being “smeared”?

      May Allah Guide us both. Ameen.

      Barak Allahu Feek

  4. Asra Nomani says:

    PS Are you kidding me? I went to your link on the tactics of rhetoric by Fox, which I am by no means defending, but look: they’re all your own tactics.

    1. Panic Mongering. Everyone is out to get Muslims.

    2. Character Assassination/Ad Hominem. Just read your own writings, calling people “traitors” to Islam.

    3. Projection/Flipping. Instead of addressing legitimate question regarding extremist ideologies in our communities, you ask, “Why are you picking on us?”

    4. Rewriting History. Syed Qutb? Osama bin Laden? They didn’t preach extremism. Oh, no.

    5. Scapegoating/Othering. Extremist Islamic ideologies? It’s the fault of the colonial powers. Did you hear about how the U.S. created the mujhahideen? It’s all THEIR fault.

    6. Conflating Violence With Power and Opposition to Violence With Weakness. It’s a page right of militancy.

    7. Bullying. “This is a favorite technique of several Fox commentators.” It’s a favorite tactic of those who try to attack folks like me. Scold us, bully us. Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll silence us. But really? Can’t we talk about the issues, rather than bullying?

    8. Confusion. You’re the traitor. And if you didn’t betray us, we wouldn’t be under attack. Oh really, what about the ideologues who draw our boys into militancy?

    9. Populism. The “majority” of people are against you. You must be a traitor.

    10. Invoking the Christian God. Okay, invoking Allah. I can out-Muslim you. I say salam. You’re such a bad Muslim, you don’t.

    11. Saturation. That’s what you’ll do with this site, I imagine, using the above tactics.

    12. Disparaging Education. What kind of Muslim education did you get?

    13. Guilt by Association. Ring a bunch of names together, Tarek Fatah, Irshad Manji, big bad Asra Nomani. They must all be in the same gang. Right.

    14. Diversion. Extremism? Yeah, what about the haters on Islam?

    Fox, IslamophobiaTV.wordpress–They’re all in the game of demonization.

    • Salam alaykum,

      “PS Are you kidding me? I went to your link on the tactics of rhetoric by Fox, which I am by no means defending, but look: they’re all your own tactics.”

      Your emotionalism is betraying you again. This is the third time you have not greeted me with salam, even after being corrected for your mistake. In addition, you charge in here as if you were successful in turning my point against me, only to betray that you have a cursory understanding of Dr. Cynthia Boaz’ “propaganda techniques used to brainwash”

      “1. Panic Mongering. Everyone is out to get Muslims.”

      Nowhere have I ever suggested that everyone is out to get Muslims. That is in fact an Islamophobic tactic used to deny the reality of Islamophobia by downplaying its scope and impact, and suggesting that we should deal only with the problems in the Muslim community instead. The fear-mongerers are accusing us of panic mongering, deceptively suggesting, through an outright lie, that we believe everyone is out to get Muslims! Nice diversion, but a fail, Ms. Nomani

      “2. Character Assassination/Ad Hominem. Just read your own writings, calling people “traitors” to Islam.”

      You should read up on the actual meaning of ad hominem and realize that telling the truth about someone is not ad hominem. Rather, using someone’s character as measure of the validity of their argument is what leads to ad hominem attacks. Some of the issues you raise are actually important. And I even agree with you on certain issues, especially with respect to women’s issues. But the questions you have to ask yourself are: 1. Is Islam in need of reform, or Muslims? 2. Are the Muslims on my side or the Islamophobes?

      No one is smearing your character as away to defeat your arguments here. The point, which you have yet to address, is how Islamophobes use Muslims like you in order to demonize other Muslims. You are part of their Islamophobic tactical arsenal. If you are with them unwittingly, that is one thing. But if you knowingly align yourself with people who want to see the destruction of Islam that makes you a traitor. More traitor to Muslims, than Islam, as you suggest, since Allah’s religion will always prevail. Prove to me you are being used as a tool against Muslims against your own will and I will humbly retract my accusation of traitor right now.

      “3. Projection/Flipping. Instead of addressing legitimate question regarding extremist ideologies in our communities, you ask, “Why are you picking on us?””

      That’s nonsense and you know it. Stop assuming that I don’t address extremism and stop unfairly expecting a blog about Islamophobia to focus on exclusively Muslim ghuluwiyya..That is nothing more than another Islamophobic diversionary tactic. Suggesting that we are wrong in asking why “people are picking on us”, or that we are playing the “victim card” instead of “cleaning up our own backyard” is the height of intellectual dishonesty that subtly suggests that no one is in reality “picking on us”. Let’s be balanced. Islamophobia is real. Extremism among Muslims is real. Full stop. You didn’t fully comprehend the techniques the good Doctor mentioned, did you?

      “4. Rewriting History. Syed Qutb? Osama bin Laden? They didn’t preach extremism. Oh, no.”

      What are you really on about? Where did I show support for Osama Bin Laden or Qutb or deny that they preached Extremism??

      “5. Scapegoating/Othering. Extremist Islamic ideologies? It’s the fault of the colonial powers. Did you hear about how the U.S. created the mujhahideen? It’s all THEIR fault.”

      You seem to be projecting here, In an effort to provide a scathing response you neglected to find what is really relevant to our discussion.

      “6. Conflating Violence With Power and Opposition to Violence With Weakness. It’s a page right of militancy.”

      See my comment above

      “7. Bullying. “This is a favorite technique of several Fox commentators.” It’s a favorite tactic of those who try to attack folks like me. Scold us, bully us. Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll silence us. But really? Can’t we talk about the issues, rather than bullying?”

      No one is bullying you Ms.Nomani. I am only being honest with you. I also have not censored anything you write on my blog(I will if you use profanity or link to a hate site 🙂 ), so trust me it is not my intention to silence you. I just want you to see the repercussions of alliances with non-Muslim Islamophobes

      8. Confusion. You’re the traitor. And if you didn’t betray us, we wouldn’t be under attack. Oh really, what about the ideologues who draw our boys into militancy?”

      Can’t you see that you are the one confused? Bringing up subsidiary matters, insinuating positions that I actually have never taken. No one has ever suggested that your “betrayal” is the cause of hate directed at Muslims.

      “9. Populism. The “majority” of people are against you. You must be a traitor.”

      That’s actually not what populism is in a technical sense. You have a superficial understanding. Populism is making the public believe you are just like them. It’s appealing to a commonality between the speaker and his audience. The fact that the majority of Muslims are against you is not what makes you a “traitor”. The fact that you are allied with people who absolutely despise anything Islam makes you a “traitor”. There is a difference. That the majority of Muslims are against you because of this is a consequence of your actions not an indication of your treachery.

      “10. Invoking the Christian God. Okay, invoking Allah. I can out-Muslim you. I say salam. You’re such a bad Muslim, you don’t.”

      You’re not getting it, are you? The link was not given to you as a suggestion that you are guilty of all of these brainwashing tactics. I was simply hoping that you would find the ones that apply to you. I was wrong. Again, you still don’t get the issue about the salam do you? It’s not an “I’m a better Muslim than you because I say salam” issue. It is a matter of Muslims must greet each other this way. It is Sunnah. Besides, I am sure you invoke Allah as a justification for the views you hold? If not..Fear Allah!

      “11. Saturation. That’s what you’ll do with this site, I imagine, using the above tactics.”

      🙂 If my site seems saturated with anything, it is because Islamophobes give me plenty of material!

      “12. Disparaging Education. What kind of Muslim education did you get?”

      Who is disparaging education? I am actually an academic myself with one degree, pursuing another. What is your point really? If you must know, I have been a Muslim for 14 years. That is education enough. Along the way I have studied with various shuyook, some of them famous, but I won’t mention their names. I have a “degree/certificate” from an online Islamic University, but I am currently in the process of acquiring a more credible, accredited, respectable degree from an ‘alim institute. So since you brought it up, what’s your Islamic education?

      “13. Guilt by Association. Ring a bunch of names together, Tarek Fatah, Irshad Manji, big bad Asra Nomani. They must all be in the same gang. Right.”

      No, you misunderstood. The association is with non-Muslim Islamophobes. Yours and all those you mentioned…I didn’t mention Irshad Manji, simply because she is not a “traitor”, she is simply misguided. Maybe it is you who is “smearing” her by associating her with the lot I originally mentioned? Again, this isn’t about you personally. I make it a point not to use the fact that people associate with known Islamophobes as an indictment against them, necessarily. I use their own words to bring out their reality.

      “14. Diversion. Extremism? Yeah, what about the haters on Islam?”

      What are you on about? Why is a site dedicated to combating Islamophobia obligated to deal exclusively with Muslim extremism? How is that diversion? Rather, the real diversion is how your discourse has cleverly avoided addressing the issue of Muslim Neocons being co-opted by the Islamophobesphere as “experts” on Islam. You are being opportunistically cannibalized by them.

      “Fox, IslamophobiaTV.wordpress–They’re all in the game of demonization.”

      May Allah Guide us both to the Success. Ameen

      Barak Allahu Feek

  5. “Fox, IslamophobiaTV.wordpress–They’re all in the game of demonization.”

    I absolutely love how you place me on the opposite end of a spectrum with FOX on one end and this blog in the same category as other Muslims who are themselves Extremists, ostensibly placing yourself in the middle of this continuum. Is that a subtle accusation? If you think that this does not serve as a confirmation of all I have said of you I urge you to engage in more self-reflection.

    You accuse me of demonization and trying to “one-up” you in Muslimness, all as an exercise in emotional appeals, it seems, suggesting that I am being unjust in my characterization of you. But you missed the point entirely in the process. You jumped in, and immediately proceeded to discuss tangential, subsidiary matters because they personally affected you, rather than address the issues and then defend yourself accordingly.

    May Allah Guide us both. Ameen.


  6. Asra Nomani says:

    By the way, do you ever name yourself on your blog? Give a bio about who you are? Or do you make all of these assertions behind the cloak of anonymity?

  7. Truth Seeker says:

    I always wonder why Asra Noamani was not interrogated as part of the investigation into the murder of Daniel Pearl. Any criminal investigator worth its name would have questioned her. She was definitely under clouds of suspicion as any one would be under the circumstances. The killers would not have been so easily able to trap Daniel Pearl without some insider providing information about his movement and background. There were dozens of Western journalists working on stories Al Qaeda and Taliban in Pakistan at the time of Pearl’s kidnapping. Surprisingly none of those American and western journalists were targeted by the terrorists. What was so special about Pearl that made the Al Qaeda target him? Was some one quietly passing the terrorists information about him?

    To the best my of my knowledge, neither FBI nor Pakistani agencies ever seriously investigated her regarding what she knew about the kidnapping and murder of Pearl.

    Any Criminal investigator will tell you that any kidnapping or murder investigation starts with the questioning of family and friends of the victim.
    The American public wants to know why this woman was not detained and interrogated. Why was she given the free pass? Was she double crossing? Who were the people who shielded her from any serious questioning regarding Pearl’s kidnapping and murder. By no means am I suggesting or implying that she had any hand in Pearl’s kidnapping or murder. All I am saying is that these are some serious legitimate questions that authorities should be asking her.

    The friends and family of Pearl should ask FBI to question this woman about what she knew about the murder of Pearl. Who was the mystery man who got her pregnant? Was he an Al Qaeda agent? Did he recruit her to their cause? She needs to answer these questions. More importantly FBI should be asking her these questions.

    Truth Seeker

  8. moshepitrorwz says:

    i’m pretty much sure you are not right in this issue, it’s already known fact that learning is beond everything.

    Admin Note: I removed your links. Both sites are in Hebrew. I neither speak Hebrew or understand it’s script or language. So because I do not know what you are linking to I removed it to be on the safe side.

  9. Pingback: Muslim traitor | Zukonline

  10. Mohammed Al-Kilani says:

    Salaam alaikum,

    The reason she neither acknowledges your salaams nor returns them is because intrinsically, she neither wants peace nor does she wish peace on others. She is but filled with self-loathing., and loathing for the Muslims. Indeed, there is magic in words. So said the Messenger of Allah, peace and benediction upon him, and his folk. SubhanAllah.


  11. Salaam,

    I find it ironic that you are using her not initiating the salaam as an evidence against her. In traditional fiqh, women are not encouraged to initiate the Islam. I would also be very careful about leaving “Truth Seeker’s” message up because it may expose you to legal liability in a libel lawsuit. For what its worth, I disagree with Sr. Asra on a great many things (I was quite annoyed by an interview she gave on the Diane Rheim show where she complained about the hijab sexualizing young girls while ignoring the blatant sexualization going on in the advertisements in the NoVa mall she frequents), but to call her a traitor is both way to strong and definitely not in accord with proper adab. You are not faqih nor are you a mufti. You have no place making judgements which assign people to legal categories defined by the shariah. I would be very careful not to let carelessness undo the good work you are doing in exposing Islamophobia.

    • Walykum as-salam akhi,

      Akhi we are just going to have to agree to disagree agreeably here. First off I was not using her not initiating a salam as evidence, since, when you read the comments, you will see that I initiated the salam to which she never replied back with a salam. This is a clear indication of either her nifaq or her belief that I am part of Ahl ul Bida’ah(which would be the truly ironic thing), as the Sahaba and many scholars of Ahl ul Sunnah cautioned against associating with mubtadi’a or even giving them salams.

      As for women initiating salams kindly tell me what madhab this idea sprang from, as I am not aware, nor do I believe there is any shari’ ruling prohibiting women initiating salams. Encouraging women not to initiate is one thing, but prohibition is another. And again the issue is in her failure to reply to my salams thrice. So please kindly bring the evidence as there are many ahadith reporting women initiating salams to the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wasallam.

      Now as far as my not being a faqih, there are two key issues here. First, my anonymity on the net does not warrant the assumption that I am or am not a faqih. Second, even if I am not, it is irrelevant to the issue, since anyone from so-called laymen to students of knowledge to the ‘ulama can relate Islamic knowledge with proper evidence. If I tell someone that in Islam the salah is obligatory five times a day,for example, have I overstepped because I am not a faqih?

      As for adab I think I was very nice to her and “traitor” was the kindest word I could call someone who identifies as a Muslim but advocates to non-Muslim Islamophobes and Muslims alike the changing of Islam and the Shari’ah to suit her own desires..she is of the people of Ahl ul Bid’ah wal Ahwaa. Please understand that my “judgements” are not my personal opinions.

      As for “truth Seeker” thanks for the heads up. Jazak Allahu Khayr. I will do my research.

      May Allah continue to guide us both. Ameen.
      Barak Allahu Feek

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